By combining deliveries with 15 top suppliers and implementing a roadmap that is truly transformational, Tesco will spare the UK of some 450 tonnes of harmful emissions in its deliveries during the festive period.
Tesco’s ‘road traffic control’ leaders say their deliveries of broccoli, carrots, parsnips and trifle will continue to be combined in many cases to ease the number of trucks on the road in the run up to Christmas.
“By working closely with our suppliers and joining them up to use each other’s transport routes, we’re delighted to have delivered savings in emissions and costs for suppliers,” Trudy Wilson, Head of Supplier ordering at Tesco said. “The ‘Tetris’-style project helps us use as much space as possible in our trucks over the Christmas period, making the most of every journey and helping to keep trucks off the road at a busy time of year.”
Wilson hinted that similar options might seen in the future for Tesco, suppliers and distribution centres as the retailer aims to reduce its carbon footprint over the next few decades.

Tesco released its roadmap of how combining routes will look (above). It is easy to see, especially in the South, the tremendous difference. The retailer says those savings equate to 400,000 fewer miles driven, “or 17 trips around the world” in a single calendar year. Tesco’s work already has spared some 3,400 truck deliveries from occurring, while still maintain its distribution levels.