Wholesalers: Do you have a plan to address food waste? If you don’t, you should.

City Harvest on a mission to rescue surplus food, drive out hunger in London

“Produce is an art, not a science.” These words resonated with me during my first week at DNO Produce in Ohio, as I toured our bustling warehouse. I quickly learned how true that is when managing procurement, inventory and sales in the produce industry. Our teams grapple with rapidly turning products, rejected shipments and unpredictable […]

Potatoes have a lot of problems, but here are 5 ways to give them a lift in foodservice

Pan of Cornish potato hash

Potatoes have a problem. Maybe more than one problem. Right now, historically low prices are the biggest challenge for grower/packer/shippers. This leads menu R&D professionals to take them for granted as a low-cost, always-available ingredient. Potatoes have a high menu penetration, and are often viewed by foodservice professionals as a cheap plate-filler. When portions are […]

Getting it ripe: Wholesale, retail and foodservice strive to deliver ready-to-eat fruit

For produce retail stores and foodservice alike, ripening is a key part of the process of getting desirable produce to consumers. Although it doesn’t benefit shelf life, ripening — or pre-conditioning — delivers fruit ready to eat. After all, soft, ripe avocados or bananas are considerably more appealing than rock-hard products that are still a […]

Why wholesalers should view marketing as a necessity and not an afterthought

Q. Why is it critical for wholesalers to market themselves? A. Wholesale is sort of the “dark underbelly” of the business that doesn’t get talked about enough. We tend to be viewed as a necessary outlet for most of the major players in the produce industry, but not the top choice. We need to market ourselves […]