Wholesale Market: Yes, you do have a story to tell customers when they ask for something new

In specialty produce, you get asked a lot of questions. I’ve been working in specialty for over a decade, and I’ve heard them all. But there is one that gets asked more than any other: “What’s new?” You would think that is an easy question for a company that handles thousands of products from all […]
Why wholesalers should view marketing as a necessity and not an afterthought

Q. Why is it critical for wholesalers to market themselves? A. Wholesale is sort of the “dark underbelly” of the business that doesn’t get talked about enough. We tend to be viewed as a necessary outlet for most of the major players in the produce industry, but not the top choice. We need to market ourselves […]
New Covent Garden Market earns Great British Award as the Best Wholesale Market

New Covent Garden Market received top honours as Best Wholesale Market in the UK at the recent Great British Market Awards in Birmingham. Presented by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA), New Covent was selected for its “rich history, support of independent businesses, and enviromental best practices.” “This is fantastic recognition for everyone […]
New York Produce Show: Kaleidoscope of food options shine in the Big Apple

An old quip is that New York would be a wonderful place if they ever finished it. But that’s half the fun, as the ever-changing nature of the place — including the food scene — makes it dynamic. A couple of generations ago, New York was dominated by such local and regional banners as Bohack, […]
For wholesale markets, communication up and down the supply chain is critical to success

As a produce wholesaler, we strive to establish and maintain strong relationships. Our DNA is embedded in our connections within the industry. We rely heavily on our growers and shippers to feed us information, which, in turn, allows us to best serve our customers. It is our job to be in constant communication, recognizing produce […]
Wholesale perspective: A happy, repeat grape consumer will continue to drive the business

In a week’s time, Tom Kovacevich probably sees more grapes than many retailers do in a lifetime. The president of T.M. Kovacevich-Philadelphia Inc. — better known simply as TMK Produce — Kovacevich operates nine units on the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market, and there are times TMK has over 100 combinations of grape offerings. At the 2022 Global […]
Opinion: At one major wholesale market in U.S. the winds of change are blowing

As a young woman coming into this industry, I have realized there are not many people my age in the wholesale produce business — especially buyers. Youth is scarce in the terminal market, and I am curious as to what will happen as our buyers begin to “age out.” Traditionally, terminal market operations have relied […]
Dillon D’Arrigo talks color vs. variety and what consumers really want

The D’Arrigo family is unique in the American produce industry. No other family’s interests bestride the industry, both east coast and west coast, from growing, packing, shipping and wholesaling. It is an influence likely to continue, in part because of a rising generation of executives. Over in Pundit sister publication, PRODUCE BUSINESS, we’ve run several pieces […]