Aldi, BerryWorld reach milestone meal deliveries to those in need

Discount retailer Aldi announced this week that it reached a stunning 30 million meals delivered through its partnership with Neighbourly, while marketer BerryWorld recently surpassed 1 million meals with FareShare, as businesses across the food industry continue to give back to struggling British families during these difficult economic times. Aldi’s efforts stretch across every one […]

Serious Apeel: How game-changing technology is eliminating food waste at Asda

Using edible produce protection technology from U.S.-based Apeel, UK supermarket chain Asda reduced its citrus waste by 36% in select stores and avocado waste by 10% during the course of a year. The trial, which was done in 150 Asda locations, shows the tremendous potential of using the company’s “plant-based” peels to help retailers achieve […]

Produce packaging gets more environmentally friendly while preventing food waste grows

Times are changing for consumer packaging in the produce industry. But even though plastic packaging is under closer scrutiny, that doesn’t mean that it is on the way out. Grand View research recently forecasted the global food packaging market will reach $562.3 billion by 2030, expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 5.5%. The […]

Aldi joins others in cutting ‘best before’ dates and trimming food waste

As many of its rivals already have promised, Aldi says it will eliminate best before dates on approximately 60 of its own brand fruits and vegetables to reduce food waste. By the end of the year, apples and pears, citrus, potatoes, carrots, onions and other fresh produce will get added life thanks to the new […]

To beat heat, Lidl working with British suppliers to prevent produce waste

Discount retailer Lidl has reached out to fresh produce suppliers across the UK to ensure that their fresh fruits and vegetables baked by intense dry spells will not go to waste. Lidl officials say they will be helping “identify key crop challenges, and where possible work to accommodate these products within its existing lines.” In […]

UK supermarkets gradually eliminating expiration dates on perishable items

UK supermarkets are gradually getting rid of expiration dates on a range of perishable items in favor of shoppers’ judgment. While the chain retailers say the move will save customers money and cut waste, it marks a new turn in a grim consumer battle with rampant inflation, according to an article by Bloomberg. Morrisons kicked off […]

In an effort to trim food waste, Waitrose cuts out ‘best before’ dates

Waitrose is one of the many retailers in UK heeding the call to prevent food waste, and to that end, it is planning to remove “best before” dates on 500 of its products including fresh fruits and vegetables starting in September. The hope is that consumers won’t be so quick to toss away perfectly good […]

Caboodle provides more direct network for UK retailers to tackle food waste

Several top brands, along with retailer Co-op and Microsoft, have begun to trial a massive project called Caboodle that aims to dramatically cut down on food waste in the UK. With more than 1.1 million tonnes of food going into the bin, co-founder Co-op and others want to find a way to both eliminate that […]