Getting it ripe: Wholesale, retail and foodservice strive to deliver ready-to-eat fruit

For produce retail stores and foodservice alike, ripening is a key part of the process of getting desirable produce to consumers. Although it doesn’t benefit shelf life, ripening — or pre-conditioning — delivers fruit ready to eat. After all, soft, ripe avocados or bananas are considerably more appealing than rock-hard products that are still a […]

Colombia cements its status as one of top suppliers of avocados to UK

Fresca Group inks deal promoting Colombian avocados in UK

During the first quarter of 2024, the Hass Avocado Producers and Exporters Corporation of Colombia (CorpoHass) reported significant growth in the industry’s contribution to the nation’s economy. The avocado sector’s input to Colombia’s Gross Domestic Product surged by 150%, representing 1.5% of the national GDP, according to CorpoHass data. Avobook highlights the impact of this […]

Kronen receives patent for pitting and peeling technology on avocados

Germany-based Kronen delivered its first robotic solution for avocado processing in April 2024 and it didn’t take long for the patent on their technology to follow. Showcased for the first time at Fruit Logistica, Kronen’s process enables the sensitive fruit to be processed gently in an automated procedure through its Robot Avocado Line. The company […]

Avocado exports expected to increase in South America, Mexico over next two years

New trends to further drive avocado growth in 2019, says World Avocado Organization

A recently released Rabobank report notes that avocado production and exports are expanding, with Mexico, Peru, and Colombia expected to become the largest exporters by 2026. Peru is the main source of avocados for the UK, but could there be further opportunities for imports from other areas? “To remain profitable, industry players must innovate in […]

Westfalia puts stamp on sustainability by engraving Tesco logo on avocados

Avocado fans will notice interesting changes when buying one of Britain’s most popular fruits. In a move to help the environment, Tesco will do away with the sticky labels that extra-large avocados have today in favor of eye-catching laser engravings. At the same time, it is trialing the replacement of the plastic tray packaging on […]

Embracing the Green Wave: Avocado Consumption on the Rise Across UK, Europe

Q&A: Greencell Ltd. director discusses EU avocado market's import shortfall, Spanish harvest

While last year posed challenges for the fresh food industry amidst economic uncertainty and the cost-of-living crisis, the avocado industry continued to show positive growth across Europe. Last year saw a notable increase in avocado consumption across Europe, with the UK securing its position as the joint second-largest consumer alongside Germany, each consuming around 121,000 […]