Why Southern Africa’s focus on ‘premium’ makes it a quality partner in blueberry market

This Q&A features highlights from an interview done with Dane Castle, Blueberry Technical Sales Manager Southern Africa at Planasa, who discusses the state of the Southern Africa blueberry season. For the full interview and charts, go to FreshFruitPortal.com. Could you share insights into the expected volume and quality of the 2024 Southern African Blueberry season? Southern […]
New Initiatives in Southern Hemisphere Fresh Fruit

The Southern Hemisphere Association of Fresh Fruit Exporters (SHAFFE) was founded in the early 1990’s from the leading trade organisations from Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay. The idea was to form a common platform for exchange on the most crucial market access matters in Northern Hemisphere markets, including phytosanitary […]
Migiva seeks to scale up post-harvest Hazel application on table grapes

Peru-based Migiva Group, the owner of fresh produce grower-exporter Agricola Andrea, has launched a partnership with Hazel Technologies Inc. of the United States to trial the post-harvest application Hazel for grapes on a commercial scale. The Hazel application is said to improve the quality and condition of table grapes. The bonus is added shelf-life, reduced […]