Intense pressure mounts on ‘susceptible’ avocado industry to make changes due to climate

A report published by Christian Aid charity shows that avocado production is under threat due to climate change. The organization reports that avocado regions are expected to decline between 14% to 41% by 2050. Avocados are abrasive for the environment due to their high need for water, a characteristic that makes the fruit highly susceptible to climate […]
IGD report highlights 10 of the biggest challenges facing the UK food system

Over the next decade, the UK food industry and supply chain will continue to face many of the same disruptions they have in recent years, requiring leaders to be both bold and nimble in their strategies and decision-making. In its latest report “A System Under Pressure: An Overview of Long-Term Risks to the UK Food […]
Perishable Pundit mailbag: Why British Energy Prices are increasing faster than Europe

We thought we would devote today’s Pundit to publishing some of the mail we have received in recent days. Whether they agree or disagree with positions we’ve taken here on the Pundit, commendations are due to all those who have weighed in, as these contributions help the industry advance by thinking through the issues at […]
European Market: Lessons Drawn From Sustainable Rice

When I first met Jim Prevor, I was already long impressed with his acuity in commenting on the state of the industry and in guiding it to a more prosperous future. I asked Jim how he managed to be so consistently innovative and insightful in his writings. He pointed out to me that he had […]