UK retailers resume avocado supplies from Kenya after boycott

Large Hass avocado to remain scarce amid strong green-skinned demand

Kenyan agricultural firm Kakuzi will soon resume exports of avocados to supermarkets in Europe which stopped buying its produce in October last year when the firm was accused of serious human rights abuse, Business Daily Africa reports. Supermarket chains Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Lidl suspended Kakuzi supplies in the wake of reports of rape and violence at Kakuzi […]

French ag minister: Frosts ‘greatest agricultural catastrophe of 21st century’

The frosts that hit France last week have been described as having the most severe impact on the agricultural industry in recent memory. At least a third of French wine production worth almost €2 billion in sales will be lost this year after rare freezing temperatures devastated many vines and fruit crops across France. The […]