Spanish frosts cause €5M of damage to persimmon production

Spanish frosts cause €5M of damage to persimmon production


Frosts over recent days in the Spanish region of Valencia are estimated to have caused €5 million (£4.4 million) worth of damages, according to the Valencian Farmers Association (AVA-ASAJA).

The organisation said a sharp drop in temperatures had resulted in a series of severe frosts that have caused crop loss in certain areas, especially La Ribera.

“In any case, we want to reassure everyone, as the majority of persimmon production is protected by insurance,” the entity’s president Cristóbal Aguado said.

Around 20% of the region’s persimmon crop was yet to be harvested, covering some 2,600 hectares, and approximately 40% of this fruit is reported to be severely damaged.

AVA-ASAJA said that unlike citrus fruits, frost damage is very noticeable on persimmons. It explained there would therefore be no issue of the damaged fruit entering the market and negatively impacting on prices.

It said there had been no reports of noticeable damage to citrus, except for some very limited cases in areas that are particularly vulnerable to the cold.



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